Friday, May 29, 2009



Naturalism seeks to explain everything related to the universe – events, phenomena, our life, thoughts and emotions – in terms of natural causes and effects. It rejects belief in mystical and supernatural entities, beings, or forces. By nature is meant the sum total of everything in the universe. The universe exists without a beginning, purpose or final cause; i.e. it is self-existent.

Naturalism asserts that the external world we live in objectively exists. The thinking person is a part of this world. Neither the person nor the world is an illusion. Since man is part of nature, his ideas, dreams, emotions etc also belong to nature.

Knowledge is gained by the aid of sense perception. We formulate laws of nature by studying the order and regularity manifested in nature. Prayers or sacrifices cannot break or transform the laws of nature. This naturalist position enables the scientist and the philosopher to establish cause-effect relationship and enhances the possibility for further enquiry at every step in the scientific investigation. Since there is no place for mysticism, all experiences which are extra-ordinary and attributed to supernaturalism must be put to scientific investigation. It is only by such endeavour that our knowledge of the physical world increases. In this pursuit, curiosity acts as a motivating factor. Doubt and scepticism prevent us from falling into blind faith and supernaturalism. Knowledge gained in this way enables us to better utilize the resources in nature and make our life happier. Supernaturalism, by proposing false hypotheses and explanations, puts stumbling blocks in the path of progress.  The Brights propagate Naturalism and the Scientific Outlook so as to make this world a better place to live in.


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